Retro Marketing

Retro Marketing Ideas that Give Your Business the Edge

The term retro refers to experiences, objects, or memories that illicit nostalgia and bring people back to a time in life that has particular meaning for them.

Using retro marketing ideas can be a highly effective way to attract and excite customers and give your business an edge.

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4 Retro Marketing Ideas For Your Business to Stand Out

Retro Marketing Ideas that Give Your Business the EdgeEvery generation relates to iconic moments, music, objects, and people they enjoyed at pivotal times in their lives. Tapping into their emotions and offering them a blast from the past is a great way to engage them and earn their business.

Here are 4 fun ways to introduce retro marketing into your business.

1. Storytelling

Storytelling is an excellent way to evoke memories or trigger nostalgia.

Tying a story to a collective memory and relating it to your products and services is an easy way for people to connect the dots between something they loved as a child that you offer today.

For example, a local hot dog shop offers a ‘dreamsicle’ drink. The orange and vanilla soda is reminiscent of an old-school ice cream called the 50/50 bar. This nostalgic take on a modern drink takes people back to their childhood and is a fan favorite on the menu.

2. Imagery, Color, and Fonts

Subliminally, our brains are attracted to nostalgic imagery.

Creating branding and marketing material with retro colors, images, and fonts can take viewers back to a specific time in history giving them happy feelings and creating interest in your business.

For example, vintage t-shirts with band or business logos on them are a timeless way for people to feel connected to their past. Brands like Burger King used retro branded items that recalled back to their earlier branding making them more popular than ever. It especially connected with older customers who recalled the specific time of their youth.

3. Packaging

Packing something new in an old-school way.

It’s possible to connect the dots between something iconic with something totally new and innovative. Your packaging can be reminiscent of something timeless or nostalgic while offering something brand new.

For example, Nike offers retro-styled sneakers. The lightweight shoes look like their iconic forefathers, but have all the comfort and features of today’s technology.

4. Showcase a Blast from the Past

Choose an icon to represent your products and services. Use social media to tie your marketing to a song or an image that triggers fond memories from the past.

For example, creating reels on Instagram is an excellent way to tie a visual story with an iconic song. Done well, the viewer will be taken back to a nostalgic time in their lives and see feel a connection to your products and services in relationship to the song and their memories.

Free Download: 12 Ways To Make More Money In Your Business

Every business owner wants their income to feel secure and stable. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always happen right away. Many entrepreneurs and small businesses hit income plateaus, but there are ways to push beyond them with new business and marketing ideas. One stream of new income might not add up to much, but if you set up more than one income stream, it can become a river of revenue and build better profits.

For more information, download the checklist 12 Ways Make More Money In Your Business. Any additional income can give your business stability and growth when you reinvest it in other items that you really need in order to expand your business.