Brand Website

3 Pages Your Business Website Absolutely, Positively Needs

Your business website is the introduction of your business to the world. You want to make it as easy as possible for prospective clients to understand who you are, what you do, and how you can help them with their needs.

Leaving a prospect without a clear path to that information will cause frustration and if they can’t find the info they need quickly, they’ll leave your website in search of another provider whose site is easier to navigate.

Here are the 3 pages you absolutely, positively must have on your business website.

FREE Checklist: Common Business Mistakes You MUST Avoid

What Pages Should a Business Website Have?

1. An Informative Homepage

You only get one shot to make a good first impression, and that impression usually only lasts a few seconds. That’s how long it takes the average visitor to determine if you have what they need. Be extremely clear about your offerings and who you serve. Not every visitor will be a part of your ideal clientele and that’s alright. Consider a mix of text and video so your prospects can see and hear your voice. Video is a popular choice for building a trusting relationship, especially if your business is 100% online.

2. An About Page

business websiteOnce your prospect thinks you might be the answer to their prayers, they’ll want to learn more about you. Include a prominent link on your home page and don’t be shy in telling your prospects why you’re the best choice to provide the solution to their problem. Relate to their pain points. Talk about how you developed a solution to these problems and why you’re passionate about helping this market. Gone are the days of writing in the third person. In most markets casual online writing is acceptable, so think of your best friend and write as though you’re talking directly to him or her.

3. A Services and/or Products Page

Whether you provide services or products (or a combination of both), showcase those items on a separate page. Again, use a prominent link in your main navigation so this page is easy to find from anywhere on your site.

There’s ongoing debate in the service provider world about whether or not you should put pricing on your website. One camp thinks all pricing should be custom and you should welcome any and all requests for pricing. The other camp thinks it’s wise for prospects to self-qualify themselves by seeing at least starting prices. If they know they can’t afford your pricing, they won’t contact you and you won’t waste time pursuing a client who can’t pay. The choice is yours as there are pros and cons to both beliefs.

A bonus feature to include prominently on your website is an opt-in form. This is a way to capture the email addresses of your visitors so you can stay in contact. If they can’t afford you now, you never know when their situation will change in the future. Or if they choose a lower-priced product now, they may be able to afford your higher priced offer in the future. Losing that contact can be detrimental to your business because chances are high they’ll never find your site again.

Free Checklist: How To Avoid Mistakes On Your Business Website

We all make mistakes. We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t.  It’s all part of the learning process. In the world of online business, you’re going to make some minor boo-boos and some cataclysmic mistakes. Although mistakes are going to happen, you can avoid the common online business mistakes and other pitfalls that are lurking around the corner. Download my free checklist, The Top 10 Online Business Mistakes and avoid the false moves and slipups that even veteran business owners and entrepreneurs and make.


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