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Can You Trick Your Brain into Being More Productive?

Sometimes, half the battle is starting.

If you feel burned out and struggle with the thought of working, the urge to avoid it altogether can be strong enough to make you procrastinate. Putting things off can lead to missed deadlines and falling short on your commitments which only adds to the stress you’re already under.

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4 Ways to Trick Your Brain into Being More Productive

Can You Trick Your Brain into Being More Productive?If your tasks feel daunting or distasteful, your brain may magnify the potential discomfort causing you to avoid the tasks, but usually, once you get started, it’s easier than you thought.

Tricking your brain into doing the work can help you take the first steps and get going. Telling yourself you don’t have to spend hours working on a distasteful task has a remarkable influence on your mindset.

Set a Timer

The simple act of setting a timer for 20 minutes of focused work, can trick your mind into being more productive.

If a task is daunting or creates anxiety, set a timer for a short period of time. Work until the timer sounds and give yourself a break. Do something you enjoy that is the opposite of what you’ve been doing. For example, take a walk outside, enjoy something to eat or drink, or perhaps listen to a podcast.

Then, reset the timer and work for another chunk of time. When your subconscious believes you’re working in small increments, it’s less likely to cause you to procrastinate. Also, once you gain momentum working, you’ll likely want to keep going as your brain becomes engaged in your work.

The Carrot Incentive

Create a carrot incentive to work towards.

If you’ve seen the timeless meme of the donkey aimlessly walking towards a carrot tied before his face, you know how hard he was willing to work in hopes of getting that carrot. What’s your carrot? Choose an activity or item you are willing to work for and treat yourself at the end of the day.

Say NO More Than YES

Your brain keeps a mental tally of all its commitments.

Reducing the number of tasks you must accomplish in a day can help your brain feel more calm and capable. Set limits on the personal and work commitments you make each day to help your brain be more focused and less overwhelmed.

Eat The Frog

Eating the frog is a euphemism Mark Twain used to describe completing difficult tasks. The concept of eating the frog refers to tricking the brain into doing the hardest thing on your to-do list first, thereby making the rest of the day a walk in the park in comparison.

Do You Have The Mindset for Success?

Finding simple ways to trick your brain into short bursts of activity can help you be less avoidant and more productive each day. But being a business owner can be overwhelming and exhausting. So how do some people seem to thrive and achieve their goals and dreams while others struggle?

The answer is mindset.

When you develop a mindset for success you’ll be able to work through challenges with confidence and meet your goals. Download my free checklist, Cultivating A Success Mindset to see if you’re meant to be an entrepreneur with the 6 key qualities for success.

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