Email Marketing Red Flags

5 Email Marketing Red Flags To Take Notice Of

To perfect your email marketing, you need to be aware of certain factors that slow down your success.

Many red flags are obvious if you just know where to look. Thankfully these red flags have plenty of solutions to them as well.

Here are 5 common email marketing red flags to take notice of in order to see the results you want.

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5 Email Marketing Red Flags To Watch Out For

5 Email Marketing Red Flags To Watch Out ForKeep these following email marketing red flags in mind to know where to improve your email content when a problem arises.

Successful email marketing will always require consistent reviewing and updating.

1. Low Open Rate

While this isn’t a metric you usually want to use on its own, a low open rate at least indicates that your subscribers aren’t reading the content. Meaning your deliverability could also be low, the subject lines don’t spike their interest, or you’re simply sending them at the wrong time.

However, a high open rate won’t always translate to success. So you should always track other metrics to measure your results more accurately. For example, a high open rate with a low click-through rate.

2. High Open Rate with Low Click-Through Rate

This means you’re on the right track as your readers are interested, but something about the product or service that you’re promoting is off. Maybe the price is too high, or it doesn’t actually solve their problem.

3. High Click-Through Rate with Low Conversions

Again, this can be associated with the same problem presented above. The readers are clearly enjoying the content as they click through. However, you can’t make the final conversion. This could indicate a disconnect in your landing page from your email. Your email had enough detail to persuade them to click on the landing page but the expectations were not set. Be sure you don’t have any misleading discounts and that your email and landing pages have similar expectations.

4. High Unsubscribe Rate

This can happen for a couple of common reasons. First, you’re either marketing your opt-in copy or forms to the wrong people, sending out too many emails, or are developing copy that isn’t compelling enough or too spam-like for your audience.

A great way to solve this is to keep your email funnel sequences and segmentations short and direct. Don’t send emails too often. If you know your target audience well, including how you can help them, you can develop the right content, products, and services to prevent a high unsubscribe rate. Usually, an unsubscribe rate isn’t a problem if you start with your buyer personas in mind.

5. Varying Unsubscribe Rates Per Sequence

Some email marketing sequences may be too long, short, or seen as spam. Some customers may end up in the wrong sequence, too, leading to them unsubscribe. Meaning you should be sure most of your readers are in more than one sequence.

Email Marketing Certification Course

Sending marketing emails to customers is still one of the most effective strategies for successful modern businesses. But it has become a great deal more competitive in recent years. People are becoming more discerning about what they put down their email address for. No one likes spam, after all. And when you’re fighting for attention in a busy inbox, you have to make sure that your message not only stands out, but gets read and some action is taken.

To master the fundamentals of email marketing, check out this Free Email Marketing Certification Course from the HubSpot academy that will teach you how to avoid email marketing red flags and how email marketing can grow your business.

AWeber Smart Designer

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