Every person who runs a website or blog wants to get their online business on the first page of Google search results. When you’re positioned on the first page, it leads to more people visiting your website, which can result in more sales or more money made from ads and products.
But talking about how to make your website appear on the first page of Google is a whole lot easier than actually doing it!
There are ways to do it, but it does require a good deal of effort and a good amount of planning – plus some time and patience for it to all come to fruition.
Here are 3 key strategies you can start using today to get your website on the first page of Google search results.
FREE Checklist: SEO For Beginners
3 Key Strategies To Get Your Website On The First Page Of Google Search Results

If you want to be a successful online entrepreneur, you need to do certain things that keep Google happy. When you take action in your business according to particular methods and systems, you effectively tell the internet what your business is about.
The search engines will then send you website visitors that they think will benefit from what you offer. This is what makes optimizing your website for the search engines so important. This process is called search engine optimization or SEO.
1. Update Your Website Regularly With Quality Content
Google heavily punishes websites that post low-effort, mass produced content and sites that don’t post at all. Thus, one important thing to keep in mind if you want to get your website on the first page of Google search results is that you need to regularly update your site with new, quality content.
You don’t necessarily need to post content everyday. Some successful bloggers may only post once per month. However, their posts are often long, high quality, and they have a bank of previous content to fill their sites with. If you’re new, you may need to work on getting a good number of articles or blog posts up on your website before you reduce your posting frequency.
You also need to make sure that the content is high-quality. Don’t just copy and paste things you find elsewhere (that would be a copyright infringement), nor should you hire cheap, bad writers just for the sake of churning out articles. You need to actually put effort into creating content.
2. Use Keywords
One of the best methods for getting your website on the first page of Google search results is to target keywords. Keywords are words or phrases that people use when they search for something on a search engine like Google. Websites will try and use these keywords on their site in the hopes that Google will display their website when a person searches for a particular keyword, resulting in more traffic to that website.
You can start your keyword research using the Google AdWords Keyword Planner. This free tool makes it easy to find keywords and see how many searches they get per month and how much competition there is for a particular keyword. The objective of keyword research will be to compile a list of keywords that you think you can rank for.
Not all keywords are built the same. Some keywords have a lot of searches per month, but they also have very high competition. That means a lot of other websites are trying to rank on Google for those keywords. Other keywords have very few searches per month, but they also have very little competition. So, in the end, which keywords you use are heavily dependent on your situation and target market.
Just targeting keywords isn’t Google first page guaranteed. But if you pick the right keywords and if you make sure that you use good content to support those keywords, then you should start to see your website appear on the front page of Google for keywords that don’t necessarily have a lot of competition already. And the more your site climbs in the rankings, the easier it’ll be to rank higher for even the high competition keywords.
3. Use Backlinks
Another important strategy for getting your website to first page of Google search results is to use backlinks. Backlinks are links from another website to your website. The more backlinks your website has, the more weight Google will give it in its’ rankings.
The reason backlinks work is that Google sees backlinks as essentially being votes of confidence. If people are continually linking to a website all over the internet, then clearly that website must be good at whatever it does.
However, a backlink from a spammy website won’t make much difference. There’s no point spamming your links all over the web! Also, paying link farms for thousands of backlinks to your site and buying fake reviews for your products and services isn’t a smart way to grab Google’s attention.
Even though Google still likes ‘traditional links’, that is, links from other authority sites, Google is taking more of an interest on what’s happening on social media.
You may have noticed links from social media are showing up Google search results. This is no accident. When you post something on your website, be sure to share it to social media. Optimize the share for each network and share as many times as is common with that network using a different text each time.
Free Checklist: SEO For Your Website
These 3 search engine optimization (SEO) tactics are vital if you want your website to appear on the first page of Google search results.  Without SEO, you’re just hoping that Google will somehow stumble across your website, figure out what you’re writing about, and then hopefully send relevant and targeted traffic to your website. You’ve put a lot of work into your website so it makes no sense to just pray for luck where traffic and success is concerned. To learn more about how to get on first page of Google without paying for advertising, download my free checklist, SEO For Beginners.
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