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3 Different Ways To Monetize Your Blog Posts

Let’s start with a big assumption.

You’re writing your blog to make money, not to share fun stories about what’s going on with your family or what you’re up to with your favorite hobby or activity. If you’re putting in the work, doing the research, and growing the audience, chances are you would like to get paid for your hard work.

And for that to happen, you have to monetize your blog posts. Let’s look at three different ways to do just that.

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How To Monetize Your Blog Posts

3 Different Ways To Monetize Your Blog PostsIn reality, you should have known if your blog idea was something you could earn money from when you started out. But if you’ve already started a blog, but now want to monetize it, it can be done. Of course, the list below is by no means an all-inclusive list.

There are quite a few ways to monetize your blog. But these are 3 relatively simple concepts you can start with.

Make Product Recommendations Directly On Your Blog

One of the easiest things to get started is to make recommendations directly in your blog posts.

These can be your own products or something you’re an affiliate for. An affiliate is somebody who recommends products and gets paid a commission when someone buys the product on their recommendation. If you want something really simple to try, sign up for the Amazon affiliate program and as you blog about things, work in a product here or there.

For example, if you’re in the parenting niche and are working on a blog post about a fun park in your area that you went to,you could mention the stroller you used and how well it did or didn’t perform in the park. Or if you’re a photographer who also blogs, share your latest pictures and mention what camera, filter, flash etc. you used for each picture along with links to those products.

Work With Brands

Working with brands is another great option.

Make connections via social media or use one of the large networks that connect bloggers and brands. They will often pay you to write a blog post that mentions one of their products. Don’t be surprised to work for free products or low pay in the beginning.

It takes time to build a relationship and show the marketing person you’re working with that you have the reach and the chops to influence a large group of people. And of course, as your audience grows, you can expect to get paid better to be a brand ambassador.

Grow Your List and Make Offers Via Email

The most effective way to make money from your blog is to focus on getting your blog readers on your email list first.

This gives you a chance to build a stronger relationship with your audience, get them back to your blog and  make offers to them directly in your emails. Keep your email messages entertaining and helpful with some recommendations thrown in, and you’ll start to see results. Keep growing your list as your blog grows and your income will follow right along.

Free Checklist: 21 Days To A Better Blog

Blogs are big, even if they’re small. Consumers prefer to read and view information from fellow online entrepreneurs rather than hard hitting sales pitches they find on corporate websites.  Blogging remains a marketing method that costs very little to set up. People from all walks of life have created making-money blogs.

To learn more ways to monetize your blog posts or to improve your existing blog, download my free checklist, 21 Days To A Better Blog. Discover 21 different one-a-day tasks and activities for getting more traffic, more prospects, more customers and, of course, more sales.

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