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How To Change A Negative Mindset

A negative mindset can affect everyone at some time or another. A boss or client might say that you’ve made a mistake or they’re not happy with your final product and it can rock your world for days or even weeks.  How quickly can you regroup, make the correction, and move on?

Many entrepreneurs struggle with mindset roadblocks at some point. Even experienced business owners can struggle with a roadblock or insecurities. There are plenty of entrepreneurs who label themselves as introverted despite the image they portray online. It’s the ultimate “fake it til you make it” thinking.

Lifting a negative mindset can be done with some daily habits and positive self-talk. Here are 3 tips you can implement right now in your daily life to create a positive mindset.

FREE Checklist: How To Achieve A Mindset For Success

3 Ways To Change A Negative Mindset

1. Start Your Day with Positive Affirmations

Change Your Negative MindsetA quick Google search will give you thousands of affirmations to choose from. But you just need to start with a couple of affirmations that resonate with you. Post them anywhere in your home that you’ll see them often. Say one or more as you shower or find 5 minutes of quiet time in the morning to say affirmations or to enjoy a short, guided meditation. If you get stressed during the day, walk away from your desk and start repeating your affirmations. The more you repeat your affirmations, the more your brain will believe them to be true.

2. Surround Yourself with Positive, Authentic People

You don’t need a bunch of fake friends telling you how great you are. Instead, find business peers, coaches, or other friends who genuinely try to lift people up and make the world a better place. Their positivity will rub off on you and sometimes all you need is a quick 5-minute phone call to one of these positive people to lift your mindset.

3. Connect with Those Who Want to Hear From You

We are all experts at something. A lot can be learned from our life experiences and that translates into expertise. Even if you feel like you can learn more about your chosen specialty, you still know a lot more than your audience, and they follow you because of your style and authenticity. Are there other experts in the online world in your chosen field? For sure, but don’t let their celebrity, status, or number of social media followers intimidate you. Share your message far and wide and your audience will find you.

Free Checklist: Change Your Negative Mindset

Mindset shifts are certainly possible with some steady practice. Very often it involves changing that negative self-talk into positive self-talk, or adopting the opposite thought. So if you don’t feel confident about a situation, think about all the good work you have done for your clients instead and read their testimonials. Done frequently enough, your confidence will grow.

Having a success mindset means that when you have challenges, you’ll be able to work through them with confidence and clarity. It means that when you are presented with an opportunity you’ll be able to set fears aside and take advantage of the opportunity.   Download my free checklist, Cultivating A Positive Mindset and start taking steps today to banish embrace that negative mindset for a postive mindset so your business, and your life, can change for the better.