Why Create Video Content?

Some things are simply true whether you like it or not. One of those things is that consumers love video. They are more likely to watch it, engage with it and share it than they are text-based content. Overall people prefer video. More shares are generated by social videos than text and images combined.
Of course, you need to study your own audience to determine what they prefer and if you should create video content for them. Having said that, it’s likely that you’ll need more video content creation, not less.
Your Video Content Marketing Strategy
We live in a very fast-paced world today. People are used to instant gratification. They want what they want when they want it. Video can provide value, relevance, and the immediacy that your audience desires. Some people believe that video is the future of content. Whether it’s the future or just an additional form of content that you can use to market your products and services, it’s a very effective way to market.
How much video you need really depends on your audience and your topic, and how creative you are when producing video content.
FREE Checklist: How To Market Your Business With VideoIt Depends on Your Audience
Whether you want to have a video marketing plan in your online marketing efforts or not depends totally on your audience. If your audience likes to watch video, can see and hear video, and often shares video, then you should be using more of it.
To Help Convert
If you want to convert more people, consider adding video to your sales pages first before creating other types of video. Video sales pages tend to convert at a higher rate, and it’s a good way to find out if video works with your audience or not. Including a video on your homepage can increase conversion rates by 20% or more.
Fill in the Gaps with Video
Identify your content gaps and try to figure out if you can fill those gaps with video. For example, if you lack case studies, testimonials, or even an example of “how to” use the product, a video will do wonders for that. Consider turning your popular blog posts into videos. You don’t have to be exact. You can use the blog post as the theme to turn into a video while adapting the information to video.
Create Video That Others Haven’t
Testing out how well video works is a good way to determine if you should be using more video for your audience. What videos are already out there regarding your topic? Can you improve upon the efforts of your competitors? Can you create videos about the topic that no one else is creating yet?
Understand How Things Have Changed
Today more people use mobile devices than ever before and due to that, they prefer to watch a video when they can because reading on a mobile device isn’t always easy to do. The fact is, 92% of mobile video viewers also share the videos they watch. You can’t beat that for word-of-mouth marketing. People also understand anyone can write a blog post, but marketers that take time to use video to get their message across are instantly seen as capable and believable because of the extra work video creation takes.
Storytelling Is Easier with Video
When you want to tell a story about your brand, your customers, or show a case study, one way to do it that is very effective is with video. Record your interview and then publish it on your website, share it with your audience, and you’ll be amazed at the number who will watch it.
How To Create Video Content For Your Website In Minutes
The old saying that “seeing is believing” applies to video marketing. When people see something taking place in a video, it’s more believable. If they make a search for a particular topic, they may receive hundreds of thousands or even millions of search results. With so many text-based results, it’s difficult to know which one to trust. However, anyone can tell a good video from a bad one, good audio from poor and a quality video marketing message.
This is why many business owners avoid video. They think it’s too time-consuming and laborious because of the editing, aspect ratios and file formats to fiddle with. But now it’s easy to create professional high-quality marketing videos – and you don’t even need to appear on camera. Try out this video marketing software for free and create video content for your website faster and with less effort than you ever thought possible.