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The 5 Phases of Small Business Project Management

Project management is the full process to create, execute, and finish an important assignment to grow your business, build more revenue, or increase your customer experience. Whether small or large, every business needs proper project management procedures to deliver a valuable and beneficial product to their customers or stakeholders.

Every project requires the same phases to create a successful project or valuable product. Keeping these phases the same and consistently helps ensure the project is finished with the requirements and expectations met. Putting these phases together is called the project lifestyle. It helps keep you on track, monitors cost and other resources, have more control, and deliver higher quality projects or products and services.

Here are the 5 phases of small business project management to know about.

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5 Phases to Small Business Project Management

The 5 Phases to Small Business Project ManagementIf you don’t follow a specific process when running project management, you’re likely to do it wrong and not see the results which you’re hoping for. However, you can turn your project management system into a powerful tool that grows your business and keeps your customers satisfied every time with these 5 phases.

1. Initiation: Getting Starting

This phase is where you get prepared by gathering information and important resources. Believe it or not, this is the step where most projects fail. It’s not uncommon for important information to go missing due to poor communication. You can’t develop a detailed and successful plan if you don’t understand why you’re doing the project in the first place. This is what the initiation phase that both big and small business project management is all about. Be sure you know who the project is for and why.

2. Planning: Outlining and Organization

The next phase to project management includes organizing and scheduling all the information you gather and confirm in the preliminary phase. This means creating realistic deadlines for the deliverables and tasks needed to finish the project objective. A proper plan keeps you organized, focused, and determined to finish on time and with quality.

3. Execution: Taking Action and Delivering

The third project management phase is all about following the plan you detailed. This required proper time management and commitment to execute the tasks needed to meet the deadlines. If you don’t follow or execute the plan, you won’t deliver a successful project or finish on time for your customers.

4. Monitoring and Control: Keeping Track and Updating

The next or fourth and critical phase of project management includes risk management and elimination. You also need to monitor the deliverables and available resources. Keeping track of these resources ensures you execute the plan and get the necessary work done to meet your project expectations.

5. Closure: End and Celebrate

Finally, the closure phase is more critical than many project managers and businesses realize. This phase includes reviewing your work to ensure you met all the requirements and then closing the project. In addition, it’s always vital to perform a post-project review to evaluate what went right and wrong. This information can then be used to update important systems to deliver better work.

Free Download: Quick Guide To Business Process Automation

To scale your business, stop trading hours for money. The benefits of automation in business are hard to ignore. When you give robotic tasks to software and tools whenever possible you’ll be shocked at how much more you can achieve. You’ll see how fast you move to the next level once you invest more of your time in creative, human aspects of the company and less time in the redundant tasks.

If you’ve been doing everything yourself, you’ll quickly find that this is a limiting factor to get more customers and grow your business. Putting business process automation in place makes things quicker, giving you more time to focus on growth and new ideas. To learn more about the benefits of automating business processes, download my free checklist, A Guide To Business Systems And Automation.


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