How To Beat Your Competitors Online
The internet is a great place to do business but it’s also highly competitive. To beat your competitors online you need to continuously market your business. But this doesn’t mean that you have to be spending huge amounts of money every day.
The reason that people will buy from your website is the same regardless of the size of the business. Your customers have to know, like and trust you. You have to make prospects feel comfortable when they visit your website.
The strategy to compete with competitors is to know who your target audience are and what the’re looking for. You can’t sell everything to everybody. But what you can do is sell your products and services to people who genuinely want them.
Embrace the Power of Competitive Intelligence
7 Tips To Beat Your Competitors Online
1. Improve Your Website

Once you build your website and it works, you’ll be super happy and feel done. But, when it comes to websites, you have to keep updating them continuously. Your website represents who you are and has to be unique to you and your niche. You want your website to truly represent who you are as a person and business owner, so that you stand out from your competitors.
Improve your search engine optimization (SEO), improve the layout, and keep improving the content. The more content you can add on a regular basis the better. But it’s important that you have something useful to say to your audience. Don’t just put up something for the sake of putting up anything. Be sure to create a content material that actually provides value to your audience and has a goal in mind.
2. Start A Facebook Group
Just about every internet marketer or blogger has a social media presence. However, social media feeds are busy and it’s getting more difficult to get seen, especially on Facebook. The advantage that a Facebook group has over a simple Facebook page is that groups are much more visible in News Feeds. This means more exposure for your business. A Facebook group offers a much greater sense of community than a regular page. Everyone loves being a member of a group, especially one dedicated to a topic or subject that they’re interested in
Building an online community, and participating in online communities, is an important way to market your business online. The technology has become simpler, and anyone can start a community today. The trick is building it into a productive and valuable extension of your business.
3. Post Videos Online
Video is a great way to increase engagement, speed up brand awareness and improve search engine optimization. Video is shared and engaged with more often than text, which is why you need to include video if you want to beat your competitors. Videos are best, most of the time, when they are short. People love watching short videos from 1 to 3 minutes long. Post your videos onto YouTube, Facebook and your website for your audience to see and appreciate them.
Your videos don’t have to be perfect and you don’t even have to appear on camera if you don’t want to. It doesn’t have to be professional to make an impact. You can use something as simple as your smartphone or an inexpensive webcam. However, if you do want to punch up your videos a notch, you can use video software to edit it and make it super-special.
4. Hold A Webinar
Giving talks about what you know has long been a way to show authority on a subject and beat your competitors. Just like video is shared more than text content, webinars are enjoyed on a higher level than other types of educational materials. Webinars feel more personal, even though they can actually be recorded and replayed.
Webinars have the ability to bring in new potential leads from all over the world, as well as help you engage with your audience in new, more personal way. They’re not difficult to run and you can even do them for free. If you can use your online banking system, or Skype, you have the technical knowledge to use webinar software. You may need some help with planning, organizing and implementation, but the technology is straightforward to use.
5. Listen To Your Customers
You many think you have the perfect products and website, but do you know what your customers think of it? Whether it’s compliments or complaints, you can learn a lot from customer feedback. If you pay close attention to it, you’ll figure out what is working and what’s not working for your customers. Buyers will be faster to tell you of a problem with your product or service than if something is good. Therefore, it’s imperative to listen when they tell you about a problem even if you initially don’t agree.
You may also identify gaps in your products or services that you can correct. For example, if you have a lot of hits on your sales pages but not a lot of sales, then you need to revamp your sales pages. Even if no one contacts you but you’re getting hits and no converts, there’s a problem.
6. Be Different
There are literally thousands of online marketers promoting similar, if not the exact same, products and services as you are. When you’re selling against the competition how can you beat your competitors when their prices and products are exactly the same? The secret is to add value.
Create an incredible bonus that someone would be happy to pay for. For example, if you’re selling a fitness video, add a video series or an ebook as a free bonus that’s related to the product you are promoting. In this way you add value to the purchase, something that your competitor’s are probably not doing.
7. Keep Learning
The more you can learn about your industry and niche, the more you’ll have to add to it. You can learn about your industry from magazines, books, blogs, and other types of online and offline publications. Within the boundaries of your niche and subject matter, seek to be the go-to resource by always answering questions when they come up. In addition, start discussions and share content that relates to your niche.
Growing and expanding requires self-awareness of what you’re doing and what you’re not doing to move forward. Occasionally assess your goals to ensure that you’re on track to be where you envisioned you would be at a specific time. If you’re succeeding, keep on doing what you’re doing. If you’re behind, it’s okay, you just need to adjust.
How Do You Handle Your Competitors?
Always get to know who your competition is and what they’re doing. You don’t want to copy them, but you can get ideas from them on what type of marketing works. Plus, you can look at their offerings and figure out how you can make yours better. Internet entrepreneurs, affiliate marketers, information product developers, bloggers etc come in all shapes and sizes. Their levels of success vary, as do the products and services they offer. From market trends to dissecting competitors’ marketing strategies, Embrace the Power of Competitive Intelligence to become the marketer you’ve always strived to be.
Great tips. By the way, which video app you use to create the youtube video above?
Thank you Calvyn. The video was created with Lumen 5.
Result-oriented tips. I have been using the same tips for my client websites and no doubt it’s giving me good benefits and I’m going ahead from my client’s competitors on each and every level.
Hi, amazing tips Jon. I have been working on these tips and are quite effective for my blogging site. I have recently started an ecommerce website named as The Jacket Closet and just wanted to know that are these tips effective for an ecommerce store to?
Thanks for the feedback Hannah. Yes, these tips apply to any business. Good luck with your new website 🙂