Internet Marketing Business

How Can Brand Loyalty Help a Business?

Did you know that loyal customers account for roughly 20% of your customer base, and they alone will drive approximately 80% of your business’s revenue?  Overall, brand loyalty is vital if you want to continue to have a business now and in the future. It can help keep you stable and prosperous during any unexpected turns.

Give these ideas a try and see how fast your audience engagement grows and benefits your profits.

FREE Checklist: Branding For Small Businesses & Bloggers

The Value and Benefits of Brand Loyalty

Brand loyalty is essential to your business because it allows you to:

Stand Out and Be Recognizable

Brand LoyaltyTo create brand loyalty, you need to be memorable and stand out from your competition. Add familiarity to your brand and keep your style consistent throughout your brand materials, platform, and visual aspects.

The goal is to create something your customers will always remember and easily point out and think of you. Just like everyone thinks of the Starbucks logo when you bring up coffee.

Withstand Changes or Challenges

If you want to be around for the long run, you need to be sustainable. Brand loyalty provides you this opportunity by shielding you against unpredictable environmental or social changes and obstacles.

Drive Sales and Increase Your Profits

Your business needs money, and to get that, you need active and involved customers willing to come back for your products or services repeatably over the years and beyond.

How To Achieve and Maintain Brand Loyalty

Discounts or Good Deals

Offer discounts or create a reward program with your most valuable customers. Show them that if they continue to make a purchase or be involved, you will notice and provide them a reward for the benefits they bring to your company.

Create Good Customer Service or Customer Experiences

Make it easy to communicate with you or someone in your business. This doesn’t mean you need to be available 24/7 and respond right away. What this means is to be sure any experience anyone has with your products, services, social media pages, websites, and more is a good experience.

But don’t make it over-complicated or too complex for your audience to understand. Plenty of studies and surveys show that customers will quickly move to their competition and pay a little more or lack a few features to have a better customer service experience so that they feel included in your community rather than just another transaction.

Be Active on Social Media and Community

Reply to comments on your social media platform and build communities that you consistently post to daily. Utilize hashtags on social media sites like Instagram so your audience can easily find you or create live events on your Facebook page or in your group. This will allow your audience to form deep connections together, building your brand stronger.

Free Checklist: How To Build Brand Loyalty

Branding is something that can take years to develop, but it doesn’t have to if you have a plan in place. Know how you want your business to be represented and seen from the beginning. Develop the right content and information that spreads that message far and wide.

Download my free checklist, Branding For Small Businesses for more actional tips on how to increase brand loyalty and advocacy so you can provide a positively memorable experience related to what you have to offer and improve customer retention.

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