What To Ditch And What To Add To Your Branding Strategy This Year

Why A Branding Strategy Is Important

If you want to scale your business this year, you need to stretch beyond your comfort zone. Imitating others will make it difficult to stand out in the market and achieve sustainable growth. So it’s time to be creative and innovative.

When developing a brand strategy, it’s easy to follow the latest trends and produce your own version. You’ll get a hit now and then, but your work isn’t memorable. There’s nothing original and memorable about your strategy.

To build a lasting brand, you need to stake your claim, make a powerful impact, and deliver something valuable time and time again. A brand is always changing, but it should grow from a strong foundation and identity supported by marketing.

FREE Checklist: How To Brand Your Businesses

Why Is Your Brand Important?

When you can brand your company, services and products in such a way that they leave Branding Strategysomething positively memorable and specific in the minds of your audience, and that unconscious relation to your business is unique, your brand and company can grow incredibly quickly with little more than word-of-mouth advertising.

The most important aspect of a brand strategy outline is getting people to attach your business name, logo and products to your unique story. This means being uniquely different from your competitors and the rest of the marketplace as it currently exists.

3 Steps To Building Your Business Brand

1. Create A Profile Of Your Ideal Client

Knowing your clients is the best way to build a branding strategy that connects with them. By creating a client persona, you can figure out who your target clients are, what they want, and where they are searching for products like yours. This is the best way to know the right audience you want to attract to your company.

Start by knowing your ideal client’s pain points, their age, their income level, what solutions they have tried and what they think of those solutions. This will help you create a unique selling point that will help your brand stand out. Also, you’ll know what services your clients are interested in. By conducting market research, you’ll use the right tone in your marketing and website. This will keep your audience engaged and compel them to take the desired action.

2. Emotion

Clients aren’t always rational. Why would a person pay thousands of dollars more for a Harley-Davidson bike, instead of buying a less expensive but equally well-made bike? The answer is that there was an emotional voice that persuaded them to buy Harley-Davidson motorcycle. Harley-Davidson use emotion in their branding strategy by building a community around the brand.

If you want to take your branding strategy to the next level this year, make your audience feel like they’re part of the brand. Resonate on a deeper and emotional level with your customers. Does your brand give them peace of mind? Make your clients feel like they’re part of the family. Does your product make life easier? Use emotional triggers to strengthen your relationship and build loyalty.

3. Consistency

Avoid talking about things that don’t enhance or relate to your brand. Did you add a new post on your Facebook page? What does it mean for your business? Does the post align with your message, or is it something funny which will confuse your audience?

Have a style guide to avoid posting confusing content. A style guide includes the tone of voice you’ll use, the color scheme you’ll use, and the way you’ll position certain services or products.

Free Checklist: How To Create Your Branding Strategy

Great branding requires that you understand your audience, know their values, and can add value to their lives simply by existing. You’ll be able to charge more, launch new products or services more easily, and defend against negativity a lot more easily too.

Your brand is communicated through every single action your business takes. It’s communicated on your website, in your content, in marketing materials, in social media posts and with any interaction you have with a prospect or customer. Branding is communicated both online and off.

Download my free Branding Strategy Checklist that provides actional tips on how to build a brand strategy and reach your target prospects, provide a positively memorable experience related to what you have to offer and improve customer retention.

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