Stuck For Content For Your Blog?
Content is the main driver for successful marketing these days. Creating effective content for your blog will pay off in big ways. You’ll get more traffic to your website and people will stay on your site longer. A blog demonstrates your knowledge and authority in your chosen niche can give your reader the push they need to become paying customers.
If it’s a challenge for you finding content for your blog, worry no more. There are so many types of posts you can use to help you come up with just the right content that will engage your audience, and help you convert visitors. Let’s look at some.
10 Ways To Create Content For Your Blog
Creating content for your blog doesn’t have to be hard. Each blog post can be about one very specific thing. If you make the posts narrow rather than broad, it will give you a lot more to work with because instead of going wide with one post, you can go wide with many narrow blog posts.
1. Video Content

Just because you have a blog doesn’t mean all the content has to be written. You can also add video content. While people can read your text when you create a blog, they can’t read facial expression or hear the tone of your voice through the text. Videos allow that to come through. They feel like they can get to know you better once they’ve seen you because they feel like they’ve ‘met’ you.
That’s not the only reason why you want to use video on your blog. Video is an incredibly powerful form of marketing. You can create videos and link them from video sharing sites. It’s easier for video to go viral. Video formats come with share buttons so when people see what you have to say and like it, they can hit the share button and go post it on their social media sites.
FREE Download: 21 Days To A Better Blog
2. Well-Placed Images
Don’t forget to add images to your blog post that help enhance the meaning of your post and grab the attention of your visitors. Images are a great way to break up the monotony of a long blog post full of text. It helps your reader’s eyes scan the page when they first encounter your post, so they can quickly see if they’re interested.
Pictures are also excellent for adding your personal flavour to your blog posts and search engines look upon them favourably. Remember to give the image a relevant name. For example, don’t name it “IMG423”; give it a descriptive name like “steakcookingdemo” instead.
3. “How-to” Content
Everyone loves reading good how-to content and tutorials. Anything you can show your audience how to do is fodder for a good tutorial post. You can add images, text, and video to enhance the usefulness of these posts.
4. Industry News
Keeping up to date on industry news is a great way to show what an expert you are and to provide that information to your readers without them having to look elsewhere. You can also get blog content ideas in industry groups and forums. When you see a long discussion, go through the comments and write your response or opinions in your blog post. If your audience see that you’re a good one-stop for the information they need, they’ll come to you first.
5. Controversial Content
Sometimes you want to stir the pot. The reason is that it can cause your content to go viral. But do this with caution. If you can cause good controversy and not negative controversy, that’s even better.
6. List Articles
The article you’re reading right now is a list article. This is a good way to provide information in chunks that people like reading. Reading content without headings can be hard on the eye and cause people to click away. As far as writing the body of the post, the list blog post format makes it easy. You start with a summary, list your points, number them, then wrap up with a recap. When you can’t come up with any blog content ideas, lean on the simple blog post list for an easy-to-write, easy-to-read format that practically writes itself.
7. Checklists
These are useful types of content that you can use as content upgrades to help people transition to your list. A content upgrade is a very specific email list building tactic. You find out which blog posts are the most popular on your site. You then create a checklist that is relevant to that topic. For example, if you wrote a post about the benefits of simplifying your life, you might create a checklist for that post which is a PDF titled “Top 10 Life Simplification Tips”.
In the middle of your blog post content, place an opt-in box or form that offers the checklist. Integrate it with your autoresponder, and you’re done. You have just created a content upgrade. This marketing tool is so named because you are upgrading content you created but your reader has to submit their email address to get access to it.
8. Get Someone To Write Content For You
Another way to create content for your blog is to use blog content services. You can hire a content writer. Some are full service and will not just write the content, they’ll also look at your blog and give you ideas about the types of posts they think should be added to get more traffic and convert more often. You can also buy blog content called private label rights content (PLR). PLR is content that is prewritten and many people might buy that same content from the content producer. You can use it by rewriting it, repurposing it, and making it your own.
9. Reviews
Any niche offers an opportunity to earn a little extra income by conducting reviews and linking to the product that you recommend in the review. Sometimes a company may decide they like the reviews you have done on your own, and ask to work with you by providing free products too.
10. Problems and Solutions
This is a terrific type of content for blogs that is very interesting for your readers. If you can describe a problem and then tell them about the different solutions that are available (including yours), they may click the link to the offer and you’ll earn money.
Free Checklist: Build A Better Blog In 21 Days
Creating effective content will pay off in big ways for your blog. You’ll get more traffic, keep people on your blog longer, and encourage them to engage and convert at a much higher rate. But, it doesn’t have to be impossible. When you know how to create great content and write an engaging blog it becomes a valuable asset to your online business. For more blogging tips and tricks download my free checklist, 21 Days To A Better Blog to help you build a better blog and achieve the results you want.