11 Key Digital Marketing Strategies For Every Business

What Are The Best Digital Marketing Strategies?

Digital Marketing StrategiesIn the current marketplace, whether you’re a brick-and-mortar business or a totally virtual business dealing in information products or services, you need to have some digital marketing strategies in place. It’s the way to get found and build your business.

It goes without saying that your business needs a website, an email list, and social media platforms to spread your message and sell your products or services. Once you have that, start developing a digital marketing strategy.

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11 Digital Marketing Strategies For Your Business

1. Set Smart Digital Marketing Goals

You need to know why you’re doing any one action, and that starts with a goal. Your business goals should be SMART:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Timely

These goals make it easy to keep track of your progress. Plus, it’ll make it easier for you to set up steps to take based on the goals you’ve set.

2. Get Smart with Your SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) involves both on-page and off-page methods to help your audience find you. These methods consist of using certain keywords in special ways all over your site. For example, using the right keywords in titles, alt tags, and headers on an article to help the search engines find you. There are lots of good SEO courses online to help you.

3. Study Keywords and Phrases

Using keywords and keyword phrases is part of SEO but it’s not everything. However, the more you study keywords and phrases, the more content ideas you will come up with based on those keywords.

4. Share Content Often from Your Website

You want to publish a variety of high quality and original content on your website. But that’s not enough. Make sure you share the content more than once after it’s published to ensure it gets all the attention it deserves and brings traffic to your site.

5. Use Social Media Marketing

No matter what social platform you like to use (the one your audience uses), it’s just a tool to help you market your products and services. If your audience is there, you should be there too.

6. Set Up an Email Autoresponder

No matter what that anybody tells you, you do need to build your email list. You also need to invest in an autoresponder. This will enable you to send automated messages to your audience that can give them information, bring them back to your website, and help you promote your products.

7. Participate in Discussions Online

Whether on your own social media platforms, a discussion board you’ve set up, or someone else’s, it’s a good idea to engage with them and participate in discussions online so that you can become recognized and advance thought leadership.

8. Use Several Formats and Types of Content

Don’t bore your audience by only publishing text articles. Use images, infographics, video, and technology like interactive quizzes and assessments. You’ll get more attention and make your information stickier.

9. Be Responsive to Your Audience

You don’t want communication to be one way only (you to them) as if you’re a lecturer. Instead, you want to work in a more collaborative way with your audience and respond personally to questions and concerns.

10. Automate Collecting Reviews

One way to establish trust and boost SEO is to ask your customers to review your products and give a testimonial. Use your autoresponder to help you get this done on a timely basis.

11. Pay for Advertisements

Once you have a clear idea of who your audience is and your SEO and content are established, you’ll want to pay for advertising on your social platforms or via Google Ads. This is the fastest way to advance your business.

Free Digital Marketing Plan Generator

Digital marketing is truly an equalizer. Small businesses and big businesses alike can compete for customers and an audience base together and both can and do succeed. When developing a digital strategy you just need to fully understand who your audience is, what they want, and how you can provide for them. Plus, you need to do it while expressing the fact that you can in a way that they understand.

But without a clearly defined plan and set of goals, your business will drift aimlessly throughout the next year with no clear roadmap for where you’re heading. HubSpot’s Marketing Plan Generator helps you outline your digital marketing strategies and identify top initiatives so you can start scaling your business with confidence. Simply fill in the blanks on this free digital marketing plan template and you’ll receive a 12-month plan in less than 10 minutes.

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