How To Get Started With Video Marketing

7 Tips To Get Started With Video Marketing

Video marketing is an effective way to get the word out about your business, ideas and offers. Video is more likely to be shared and engaged with. Since consumers are watching more than 5 billion videos each day on YouTube, you know it’s popular.

Here are 7 tips to help you get started with video marketing in your business.

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1. Use the Right Tools

You don’t have to buy the most expensive tools to do it. You can start right now using what you have with the camera on your phone, by capturing video on your personal computer, or by turning slide shows into a video. There’s even simple to use desktop software than can get you started in minutes. To do it right, make sure you pay attention to your lighting, sound and picture quality.

2. Choose Your Platforms

get started with video marketingToday numerous platforms accept video, but you need to know which one you’re going to use so that you record in the right size and shape for that platform.

The way to pick which platform you’re going to use is to go where your audience likes to get information and making sure your video content is there. But also, you want to ensure it goes on your website.

3. Choose from a Variety of Video Ideas

When it comes to video marketing, a video simply uses both images and audio to communicate your message to your target audience. The main thing is that you really need to know what your goals and objectives are to know which videos are best for a particular purpose. You can create product demos, tutorials, vlogs, expert interviews, customer testimonials, give a behind-the-scenes peek, make explainer videos, record live webinars, and more.

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4. Keep the Videos Short and To the Point

While some types of videos might be longer than others, the truth is that the first 7 to 10 seconds are the most important. Ensure that you give most of your ideas or make them want to watch the rest within those first few seconds.

5. Include Closed Captions

If you want to use video, take the time to add closed captions or other types of captions on your video. This is for those who can’t hear but also for the search engines, which will rank you higher if you do include closed captions along with your keyword-rich file name information.

6. Title Your Video Appropriately and Give It a Good Description

Whether you publish on YouTube or another platform, they have an area for descriptions. Use the space carefully by including keywords and the information the viewer needs to know. You can also put a transcript there and even time stamps.  Your title should be relevant, keyword-rich, and not be tricky.

7. Transcribe Your Videos

Since you’re going to do closed captions anyway, you should also transcribe your video. It’s a great way to create a blog post to promote your video. Make an actual word-for-word transcription of the video, embed the video on your blog or website, and then under it post the transcription. Search engines will pick it up and you’ll get more viewers.

The Easy Way To Get Started With Video Marketing

Many business owners avoid video marketing as they think it’s too time-consuming and laborious because of the complex software, editing, aspect ratios, file formats, etc to fiddle with. But now it’s easy to get started with video marketing and create professional high-quality videos quickly and easily, without the long and painful learning curve. Of course, there are many different video makers out there, but I recommend using Lumen5 if you really want to make something serious out of video marketing.

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