How To Make Your Blog Work Harder

5 Ways To Make Your Blog Work Harder

Make Your Blog Work HarderBlogging is an effective way to expand your business, attract more clients, maintain relationships with your current customers and get traffic to your website free. So if you can make your blog work harder, you’ll get better results.

The truth is, many popular blogs are about persuasive writing. When you engage in persuasive writing, you need to sometimes challenge your audience’s beliefs without offending them but to make them think. When you make them think differently about something, you may also be able to persuade them to take the action you want them to take.

Here are 5 persuasive writing techniques that will help to make your blog work harder.

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5 Persuasive Writing Techniques

If you’re going to challenge other people’s beliefs, you must use your credibility, their emotions, logical arguments, as well as your own experience to show that your new way of thinking works better than the old way.  You need to tread carefully in some cases (depending on what it’s about), but most of the time, at the very least your information will give them food for thought.

1. Establish Credibility

The first thing to do when you want to challenge your audience’s beliefs is to establish credibility with them. The best way to do that is to be professional, stick to your brand, and provide recommendations and testimonials that you display on your blog. Turn yourself into the go-to expert that is known outside of your blog through books, webinars, interviews and more.

2. Tug At Their Emotions

When you really want to challenge someone’s beliefs, using emotion will help bring them to your side. Use stories, examples and information that show a different way to think about the topic than your audience may normally think. Remember, you may be challenging any number of beliefs they already have, and the best way to get to them and convince them is through their emotions.

3. Use Logical Arguments

The other way to challenge beliefs is to use arguments of logic. When you have data, logic, and proof on your side, it will be a lot easier to bring them around to your ideas. Plus, depending on the type of information you’re sharing, you’ll also increase your expertise level to your audience.

4. Show Evidence

Showing evidence that the new way of thinking or doing something works, is an effective way to make your blog work harder. Making the most out of the information you provide will go a long way to proving your way of thinking. Evidence speaks volumes. You can present it as case studies, statistics and numbers because people will believe that.

5. Be the Example

One way to challenge someone’s beliefs is to be the example. Share your story. Share what you’ve done and how you’ve changed. For example, if you changed your own belief about something such as a limiting belief about your capabilities as a blogger, you can share that story and the steps you took to change your beliefs and change the outcome of what you normally expect.

Free Checklist: 21 Tips To Help Your Blog Work Harder

When you understand who your audience is and what your goal is with the content you’re publishing, it will be a lot easier to come up with persuasive content. Writing blog posts that challenge your audience has a lot to do with the perception your audience has of the content, as well as the quality of the information you’re providing.

If you want to be known as the authority on your topic within your niche, publishing high-value blogs on a regular and consistent basis will get you there. For more tips and tricks to increase blog traffic download my free checklist, 21 Days To A Better Blog and start to make your blog work harder.

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