How Do Businesses Use Email Marketing Effectively?

5 Ways To Use Email Marketing Effectively

Use Email Marketing EffectivelyEvery marketer’s dream is to send out emails to hot prospects and get a flood of positive responses. And although technology has changed how consumers buy, the human brain hasn’t changed, so this dream is possible.

Our brains respond the same way they did a thousand years ago. This is great for marketers because we can leverage the psychology of persuasion to influence consumers’ buying decisions.

Email marketing is still lucrative because most consumers now regularly access their emails on their smartphones while on the go. And so email is still a preferred form of communication. Having said that, many email newsletters are ignored, or worse – reported as spam.

To use email marketing effectively you have to build trust and credibility. Therefore, your emails need to be relevant, personalized and engaging for them to build trust and credibility.

Here are 5 email marketing tips to build credibility and trust.

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5 Effective Email Marketing Tips

1. Set Expectations and Deliver

It’s essential to set expectations in your initial welcome email and opt-in offer. For instance, if you promise to send your subscribers a daily tip email newsletter, you’ll build credibility and trust if you deliver your emails every day. Meeting and exceeding expectations builds credibility both on a conscious and an unconscious level.

The more you keep your promises, the more trustworthy and credible you’ll become. For example, you can say in one email that you’ll be doing a special Q & A webinar where you can answer any questions your subscribers may have. Then hold the webinar, record it and promote the replay to your email list.

Even though most of your subscribers likely won’t watch the live webinar or its replay, they’ll at least know you did what you promised.

2. Deliver on Your Opt-In Offer

Most marketers drop the right ball at the beginning of their relationship with their email list. However, it’s essential to note that if you break the opt-in process, you’ll get started on the wrong foot.

So make sure your links work and deliver what you promised to the best of your ability. And if you want to be sure you’ve done your best, over-deliver in some ways.

3. Make Strong Opinions and Stick with Them

There are many ways to make strong opinions and take strong positions. This will set you apart from the competition. However, it should go beyond branding and positioning.

For example, if you’re a fitness coach and have a strong opinion about the harmful risks of long and slow cardio, subscribers will associate you with this opinion. And those who agree with you will be happy that you stand firm on the issue. However, one way to trash your credibility is by mailing offers that somehow still promote long and slow cardio.

Yes, your position may change over time, but you then have to explain to your subscribers why you’re deviating from your past statements. So don’t be one of those marketers that build a reputation for saying anything that can generate a sale, because your subscribers will learn not to take you seriously over time.

4. Stick To Your Deadlines

Just like any other type of digital marketing, a strict publishing calendar is crucial in building credibility using email marketing. Remember, if you send emails too frequently, you’ll annoy your subscribers. And if you send emails too infrequently, your subscribers will start to forget about you.

Strive to strike the right frequency at which you should send out your emails. Three to four email newsletters every month is a good way to start.

Also, remember that if you tell your customers that you’re having a five-day sale on your most popular products or that a special offer disappears after three days, you’ll trash your credibility if you blow the deadline off.

5. Be Careful With What You Promote

You don’t want to have customers unsubscribing from your email list because you keep bombarding them with promotional emails, especially if their expectation was to receive more valuable content. Nevertheless, the purpose of an email marketing strategy is to promote your products or services.

By being selective with what you promote depending on factors like product views, past purchases and wish lists, it will make you more appealing to your target customers. So, personalize your emails in a way that makes subscribers feel you value them as individuals rather than email addresses in an endless list.

Because of the huge amounts of spam around the web, consumers are becoming increasingly wary of who they give their email addresses to. And attention spans and patience are more limited than ever before, so you need to prioritize subscriber experience and offer relevant content if you want to build a positive brand through email marketing.

Learn How Use Email Marketing Effectively (Free Certification Course)

Sending marketing emails to customers is still one of the most effective strategies for successful modern businesses. But it has become a great deal more competitive in recent years, with savvy readers becoming more discerning about what they put down their email address for. No one likes spam, after all. And when you’re fighting for attention in a busy inbox, you have to make sure that your message not only stands out, but gets read and some action is taken.

To master the fundamentals of email marketing, check out this Free Email Marketing Certification Course from the HubSpot academy that will teach you how email marketing works and provide you with email marketing tips and techniques to help you grow your business.


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