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4 Ways To Incorporate Psychology in Marketing

Do you ever wonder how some marketing experts seem to have the magic to drive many sales while you can barely get a single customer to click any of your call-to-action buttons?

They seem to have the knack of persuading customers to buy what they’re offering, at whatever the price. It’s like they have a solution for every need the customer has, which makes customers flock to their business.

So how do these expert marketers do it? What can you learn from them? Well, it’s nothing extraordinary. These marketers simply know how to incorporate psychology in marketing their products and services. They know how to get into the minds of their target audience. They create valuable content and offer solutions their customers can’t resist.

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How and Why to Incorporate Psychology in Marketing

1. Relate to Your Audience

As humans, we love forming groups or packs. We view and treat kindred spirits favorably, which is known as group favoritism. Use this phenomenon in your favor – especially when creating your marketing campaigns.

First, segment your audience into smaller, more focused groups. Then, create relevant content that appeals to each group. That’s why customer testimonials are a common part of marketing materials. They show prospects that others like them found a solution in your product or service.

For instance, picture dancing. At the beginning, nobody wants to hit the dance floor but as soon as the first few people start dancing, everyone else wants to join in. That’s psychology in action, and you can leverage this strategy in your marketing campaigns by doing your best to relate with a customer on a personal level.

Most mobile apps have an “Invite Friends” button, right? Many social media sites flourish on the “join your friends” mentality. This implies that “if your friends are doing it, then it is good.” This also means that, “if my friends are buying this product, then it’s good for me, too.”

2. Start Small

Psychology in MarketingAccording to a psychological study by Freedman and Fraser, people are more likely to agree to larger requests after agreeing to smaller requests.

This technique is known as the foot-in-the-door technique, and it’s relatively common in email marketing. It’s easier for a prospective customer to provide an email address as opposed to buying what you’re selling.

Smart marketers don’t throw products at the prospect’s face and hope they’ll like something. Instead, they start small by asking for email addresses. Then, they send targeted emails to the prospect to offer context. Later on, they introduce the prospect to their sales funnel.

The opposite of this phenomenon is often called the door-in-the-face phenomena. Here, instead of starting small, you start by offering large and outlandish offers that the prospect turns down.

To boost conversions and sales, start small and gradually scale your offer. This will convince your customers to take the target action.

3. Run Emotional Marketing Campaigns

Aside from getting personal, you must appeal to prospects’ emotions. If you can successfully trigger the right emotions in your prospects, you’ll get them to do what you want.

Try to appeal to your prospect’s emotions at every stage of your marketing campaign. So, rather than listing your product’s features, outline the benefits the prospects will get from your products or services. While the “features section” is important, you’ll want to add a “benefits section” too. Prominently showcase the product’s benefits across your marketing collateral. This shows you understand your prospects’ needs, and you have just the solution they need.

Another way to incorporate this psychology in marketing entails leveraging fear, despair, and uncertainty. This is a popular tool most politicians use to succeed. Show your prospects how choosing an alternative product or service will cause problems in their lives. Here, you aim to make a prospect see your product as the best option. Fear is an influential emotion and if you can use to turn your prospects against your competitors, you’re golden.

4. Reward Your Customers

Rewarding your customers shouldn’t be expensive or challenging. For instance, you can offer them small gifts such as t-shirts, key holders, cookies or mints and anything else you can think of.

Let’s admit it, we all love free stuff! This psychological need makes giveaways a powerful marketing tool. For example, you can use a single giveaway to boost your social media presence, improve engagement on your website, boost email subscriptions and drive high-quality traffic to your products.

Leverage generosity in your favor by rewarding your prospects at all stages of the sales funnel. Mobile games, for instance, leverage this technique successfully. By rewarding users at the end of each mission, mobile developers boost brand awareness and engagement.

How Your Mindset Affects Your Business

Psychology in marketing works both in the online and offline worlds. Getting into the mind of your target audience will help you create content and solutions they won’t resist.

The mindset you adopt affects your judgment too. A growth-driven mindset means that when you have challenges, you’ll be able to work through them with confidence and clarity. It means that when you are presented with an opportunity you’ll be able to set fears aside and take advantage of the opportunity. A Success Mindset means a more powerful, and more enjoyable, business. Check out this free checklist, Cultivating a Sucess Mindset to see if you have the 6 key qualities of a successful entrepreneur.

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