10 Easy Ways To Build A Better Blog

How To Build A Better Blog

Build A Better Blog
An engaging blog is a valuable asset to your business.

If you want to build a better blog with content that attracts subscribers, you need to set yourself apart from the competition. When you think about it, better blogging is all common sense.

If you want to attract a certain audience, you need to know who they are, what they like, and how you can help them.  You need to let them know in no uncertain terms that you’re the go-to person with the right information at the right time.

So much content is put out there just to fill space. You don’t want to do that. You want to create content that not only attracts your audience but also makes them want to engage, subscribe, and buy.

 10 Easy Ways To Build A Better Blog

1. Create Audience Avatars

You probably don’t have just one ideal audience member; you probably have several. Not only that, each persona will move through their buying cycle at a different time. You may want to create something to remind you of not only who you’re creating content for, but also where they are in their buying cycle.

2. Understand Your Products or Services

Of course, you need to really understand your products and services inside and out. Even if you do outsource people to create products for you, ensure that you know the product enough so that you can create an FAQ if needed. This will also help you to write your content in a knowledgeable way.

FREE Download: 21 Days To A Better Blog
3. Practice Persuasive Writing

When you think of it, most of the content you create needs to be persuasive. You want to persuade them to learn more, share, and buy. When you are writing things to persuade others, it takes some practice and testing to get it right.

4. Focus on Creating Clear Headlines

No one is going to read anything you publish if you don’t create the right type of headlines. This is one of the key tips for a better blog. You want a good headline to be to the point, but also make your audience curious. Your headline should make a promise and draw an image or picture in your prospect’s mind. Does your headline state a fact or ask a question?

5.Grab Their Attention

To build a better blog, everything you publish should grab your reader’s attention. Ask a question, tell a story, demonstrate one of your products or services and use imagery or a quote that will get them to look. If you can weave a story into any content you create for your audience, that makes your audience think about what you want them to think about. For example, if you’re a weight loss coach, share stories from people who are struggling with their weight. Discuss how this can change and then offer the solution.

 6. Make Them Interested

People like it when you make them think. It makes them more interested when they’re challenged to look at an issue in a brand new way. You don’t want to risk being boring. Shake things up a bit by being slightly controversial. If you disagree with someone, say so. But, always be professional – even when you disagree with someone, and make sure your points can be backed up with fact. Be careful about too much controversy, but don’t be afraid to cause a little ruckus.

7. Create the Desire to Act

People want to know why they need to do something, so you’ll need to use trigger words and persuasion to create the desire to act. Tell them what the benefits are for taking action, and then tell them how to do it. There is a saying in marketing that you give away the “why” free and you sell the “how”. Sometimes the why can be thought-provoking and make people think. Focus on creating content for your audience that gives them the why so that you can deliver the how later.

If you have a product in development to solve a problem, poke the bear by sharing content all about the problem for a while. Make the audience start thinking about that problem and how they want to solve it. Then you can be the hero by giving them the solution.

8. Make It All About Your Audience

Never forget why you’re blogging in the first place. It’s about your audience and what they want and need, not what you want. But, of course, by serving them the right way you’ll ultimately get what you want too, which is a higher return on investment and more revenue.

Remember that you don’t have to create all the content that drives your audience toward the actions you want them to take. You can get guest posters, share case studies and testimonials, and curate content from other places by providing the link and your own thoughts about the content, while asking for your audience’s thoughts too.

9. Keep Your Authenticity 

Don’t try to be someone that you’re not. Communicate the way you do with your friends. There are a lot of people out there who will connect with you and want to buy from you because of who you are. You can’t make that connection if you’re not honest about your personality, likes, dislikes and other personality traits. And don’t be afraid to admit when you were wrong about something. Your audience will trust you better if you learn from them too.

10. Test, Adjust, Repeat 

Everything you do in business needs to be tested using the metrics from the services you use such as Google Analytics, the data within your Facebook Dashboard, and elsewhere. Use that data to test your results so that you can adjust them. Then repeat the things that work and toss the rest.

Free Checklist: Build A Better Blog In 21 Days

A blog is essentially a relationship-building tool. Your target market could find your blog through search engines or links, read it, and decide to see what your business has to offer. It could give them the push they need to become paying customers. When you know how to write an engaging blog it becomes a valuable asset to your online business. For more blogging tips and tricks download my free checklist, 21 Days To A Better Blog to help you build a better blog and achieve the results you want.

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