When it comes right down to it, what you want from your blog post is it to be memorable. When you write great blog content it helps people on such a level that your readers simply can’t help but take the action you recommend.
You want your readers to be blown away by the problems you solve in their life, or the value you give them, so that they share it on every social platform, and your blog becomes a revenue stream and email list builder that rivals anything you have done in your business.
Making sure your blog content offers your readers high value is an important lesson to learn, because no one is going to come read your blog or find your offers if your content isn’t something they want to consume. Here are 8 quick ways to write great blog content.
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8 Ways To Write Great Blog Content
Creating high-quality content has a lot to do with the perception your audience has of the content, as well as the quality of the information you are providing. If you want to be known as the authority on your topic within your niche, putting out amazing high-value blog content on a regular and consistent basis will get you there.
 1. Make It Relevant to Your Niche or Market

It’s very important that you know exactly who your audience is. You should be able to actually create a profile of an audience member. Who are they, what do they do for a job, how much money do they make, what do they like to do in their free time? You should be able to really understand what gets them going.
You may write the best content ever created but if it doesn’t appeal to your market you’ll not only confuse them, you’ll also Google and the other search engines because it’s completely off topic. This means you’re not going to get the traffic you have been looking for. Stick to topics relevant to your marketplace.
2. Know The Goal of Your Blog Content
It’s important that you understand what your goals are for the blog. Some potential goals are to teach your clients, to get the word out about your services and / or products, or to create a niche blog that earns money through the promotion of products. What are your goals? They should be written down and well defined. If you have a real goal to reach you’ll be able to get there easier if you can name it.
3. Create Some Long-Form Content
There is no getting around it, to create a piece of content that will stand the test of time and take on a life of its own, you need to make it long. According to the marketing blog QuickSprout, if a post is longer than 1,500 words it performs better socially. Posts of that length “… get almost 70% more Tweets and nearly 23% more Facebook likes” than shorter posts. Google rewards blog posts of 2,000 words or more with more free, organic traffic than posts with less content.
4. Evergreen and Timeless
Many great content marketing examples are timeless. These are referred to as evergreen topics. People will always want to improve themselves. This means that fat loss, finding a mate, smoking cessation and growing hair on a bald head will probably always be themes that will stand the test of time. Focus on solving a problem that will be around forever.
 5. Add in Trending and Relevant Content
However, in contrast to the point above, some blog posts have relatively short lives. They may only be relevant for a few months or a year. However, the massive avalanche of attention they receive in that short span brings in huge amount of traffic and new readers that stick with you going forward. Even if you just curate trending content, that’s better than ignoring it or being behind the curve.
6. Use High-Quality Images
You’ve probably heard that saying that a picture is worth a 1000 words. Would you read a 1,000-word piece of content that is all text? Probably not. You need to break up your text with relevant graphics and video, which have been proven to increase the social share factor of online content. And if a picture is worth 1,000 words, a video must be invaluable.
7. Use Different Formats of Content
Some types of posts are more inclined to perform better than others. When the most successful bloggers have a hard time trying to structure their blog content ideas, they use tried and tested methods to achieve success. These include:
- How to Guides and Tutorials
- Checklists and Lists
- Case Studies and Customer Success Stories
- Guru Interviews and Advice from Experts
- Lists of Valuable Resources
- Beginner’s Guides
8. Optimize Your Blog Post Keywords for the Search Engines
Keywords are the phrases and questions your target audience is typing into Google and other search engines. You need to identify the keywords and phrases that are important to your target audience, and that also relate to the topics, products and services that are important to your business.
These are the words and phrases you want to be found for. You must ensure to include this information in your blog posts. Don’t go crazy. Google and the other search engines hate “keyword stuffing”. You can’t simply cram a single keyword into a blog post 100 times and expect to see a rise in the rankings. One way to optimize your blog posts for the search engines is to include a specific keyword phrase a few times, and then surround it in a blog post with other related terms.
Free Checklist: 21 Days To A Blog
A blog is essentially a relationship-building tool. Your target market could find your blog through search engines or links, read it, and decide to see what your business has to offer. It could give them the push they need to become paying customers. When you know how to write great blog content it becomes a valuable asset to your online business. For more tips on creating great content download my free checklist, 21 Days To A Better Blog to help you build a better blog and achieve the results you want.