How Your Blog And Social Media Are A Dynamic Duo

Integrating Your Blog And Social Media Platforms

If you’re not integrating your blog and social media platforms, it means that you’re missing out blog and social mediaon a lot of potential visitor traffic to your website. Blog posts and social media are both important aspects of getting yourself heard and seen online.

Integrating your blogs into your social media platforms may just end up helping you save up on the cash that you would have used to promote your blog posts.

So, what are some of the things that you can do so that your blog and social media platforms will work together to provide you with dynamic results?

FREE Download: 21 Days To A Better Blog


Is A Blog a Social Media Platform?

Your blog can be spotted by your audience via search engines and social media. Blog posts are longer and more informative while posts on social media today are precise and short.

Sharing your blog post on social media is a good way to start getting your content out there but it isn’t the only thing that you’ll have to do in order for you to be spotted. You have to make sure that you have written content that is worth sharing and you should also use a punchy phrase or headline on your social media page which will catch the attention of your audience.

Why is it important to integrate blog posts into your social media platforms?

For one, it’s the best way to keep track of your performance. Social media is the best way to understand your clients or readership. You can check on the kind of content that they share most and get an understanding of what captures people’s minds. Having this kind of information will give you an insight on what to write about.

You also get to know what your audience thinks. Social media is all about engagement and having conversations. Any good businessperson or entrepreneur will be interested in finding out what their customers or clients think about them. The messaging and comment section enables that. When your audience posts their views,  you should also make sure to respond.

Use Hashtags

Your content has a huge part to play in displaying your brand, but it’s not only about the content that you write. You have to do more. You need to look for relatable tools that you can incorporate into your writing.

Hashtags are popular in social media and they’re a great way to launch a campaign. Hashtags enable you to be visible. This is a great way to incorporate the keywords which best explain what you’re sharing. Sharing relevant hashtags will help your blog to be easily found.

Come up with Creative Titles

You don’t want to be lost in the crowd when your readers are looking for information that is related to your niche. Come up with creative titles to avoid looking boring. Ask yourself, would you give the title that you have come up with a second glance? Would it entice you to keep reading and eventually share the post?

Not only should your titles be on point, but brilliant content should also back it up. When you’re writing a blog or posting something on social media you should do it in a way that will attract people. Also, let your audience learn something new from you. There’s no point in reading something that you already know everything about, there has to be value in what you are reading.

Make Sure You Have Social Media Widgets On Your Blog

If your content is great, your readers will share it. When they share your blog posts they attract new readers, and new readers attract other new readers. If there are videos that will help further explain what you are saying they can go a long way in helping your reader understand better. Also, relatable images are a great way to keep your reader engaged. If you’re writing a ‘Do it Yourself’ piece, images are essential. Images help in breaking down points so spice up your content and keep your audience interested.

Free Checklist: 21 Days To A Better Blog

A blog is essentially a relationship-building tool. Connecting your blog and social media platforms and using them together is a major step towards being more visible and attracting an even bigger audience. When you know how to write great blog content it becomes a valuable asset to your online business. For more tips on creating great content download my free checklist, 21 Days To A Better Blog to help you build a better blog and achieve the results you want.


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